As you are aware, Examination by-law on the basis of CBSE by-law vide circular no. CBSE/CM/2017 dated 31:01:2017 on examination for class VI - X. This new scheme will bring the uniformity in the system of assessment and examination for the classes. To increase the confidence in the students to start preparing for class X Board examination when they join the upper primary stage in class VI the learning assessment as the students move forward.
Scholastic Area :

A student’s overall performance in an academic session will be judged on the basis of his/ her performance in scholastic areas as well as co-scholastic areas. It has been strictly instructed by CBSE that 75% attendance of a student is a must in academic session.
Promotion policies for all classes as per CBSE by-law.
Trapezium BLOCK (KG WING) :
Our NURSERY WING comprising LKG, UKG and std. 1 name Trapezium Block provides ambience atmosphere to the young buds to nurture their entire potential and creativity so that they became active learners. We have air conditioned classrooms with latest teaching aids and a team of dedicated lady teachers putting their best endeavors to expose the tiny-tots to as many subjects and skills as is humanly possible through various drills, play way methods and class room activities. Learning becomes fun and pleasure to them and they blossom in time. In order to make the environment conducive to creativity we have facilitated Audio Video class room to make the teaching and learning process more interactive & interesting.
Games, music, dance, speech, declamation, recitation, storytelling, drawing, craft work, knowledge of the environment includes total program of KG level where natural way of learning is emphasised.
MAhaTAMAGROvER BLOCK (Primary/Secondary Wing)
Keeping pace with the changing trends and technological development and visualizing students all round development remind of the responsibility of shaping the future of kids committed to our care. The challenges are numerous and diversified. We need to find viable solutions to overcome their challenges. We have been gradually improving the infrastructure and construction of five new classrooms has motivated our spirits. And with this we nourish the roots of education today to see a healthier, creative and joyful tomorrow for students. As the educators of 21st century it is our mutual responsibility to bring up our children but we are committed to develop a receptive mind even ready to try any change and innovation.
Our Objective is to nurture multiple Intelligence at PRE-PRIMARY & PRIMARY Level.
• Linguistic Skills.
• Logical/Mathematical Intelligence.
• Visual Intelligence.
• Musical Intelligence.
• Naturalistic Intelligence.
• Inter-Personal Intelligence
• Intra-Personal Intelligence.
“The journey of excellence is a Journey of continuous self evaluation” says Dr. Radha Krishnan.
In its journey of 34 glorio us years, unraveling each child’s potential has been the fundamental responsibility of DAV public school, Alkusa. Herein we strive to create an environment that entices children to be motivated to learn intrinsically, to be happy and to enjoy the learning intrinsically, to be happy and to discover the excellence within.
Academic proficiency is a worthy goal and DAV Alkusa with every passing year has scaled new heights of glory and grandeur, but still we believe that this is simply a starting line classroom instruction and guidelines by subject experts cannot be geared towards the sole purpose of passing school boards. Therefore, we Endeavour to enhance students understanding of the world around them and henceforth develop an integrity and connectivity between the real world and the academies. As the center of excellence we impart basic skills for survival. We dedicate ourselves to prepare active, informed and responsible adults.